Friday, August 1

ITs A ....

The Horseman's are having a ... GIRL !

Please look at the pics on a 90 degree rotation: the blog poster was being weird

Below is her body shot (head low)

The crotch shot! the 3 parallel lines mean its a girl! She was very free with her gender, the Ultrasound Tech had no problems at all finding the gender. The minute the goop went on my belly, this little girl was spread eagle for the camera. Oh my I hope this isnt an omen, just kidding!

Here is her cute as a button giant foot, you can see all the toes, foot and lower leg. When we were looking at her we got to see her full hand, fingers spread and then she sucked her thumb for a second or two when she finally settled down. Yesterday was such an awesome experience.

Here is another head shot, just tilt your head to the right to see the picture. You can see her cute nose and facial features. We are so excited

Well this concludes the first of many baby pics for the Horseman Girl. We are just so excited and cant wait to get her room ready to go... Is it December yet!?

1 comment:

The Bradford Blog said...

She looks like she is perfect already!!!! We are so excited for you guys!