Wednesday, August 27

Plumbing... How hard can it be?

Oh yes another adventure for the Horseman's. Adam decided it would be a great idea to hook up our ice maker to the house water supply from the crawl space, really how hard could it be? He did some research (asked the guy at Lowes) and was ready to go. So Monday evening he drilled a hole through the floor into the crawl space and pulled the water line through to hook up to the house supply down below. Off to the crawl space, the had all of his materials (we thought) and successfully punctured a hole in the pipe and presto, water connected right? WRONG! My darling hubby in the heat of the momment forgot the washer that seals the contraption onto the existing pipe so there is no leaking and a tight enough seal to pressurize the water hose enough to bring water into the ice maker. OOPS! well back to the crawl space (this time with the water off) he tried to put the washer on and puncture the SAME hole, oops, now there are 2 holes in the pipe.

At this point I have now called my Dad in FL, whos advice was priceless "you know it costs like $50 bucks to have someone do this for you" and the refrigerator manufacturer who also advised professional assistance. By now, Adam's Dad was over to watch the entertainment. Now Adam and I go into the crawl space (yes nearly 6mos prego and in the crawl space haha) we managed to cover both holes with the fitting and left it overnight with a small trickle leak and the ice maker started to work. AWESOME.

Tuesday evening:
The ice maker has made about 6 ice cubes at this point. Adam and Jason F. venture to the crawl space to fix the leak with "Hard as Steel" Plumbers Putty. 1.5 hrs later they realized this isnt working. Adam and I hit up Lowes, where the Plumbing dept guy, Justin, tells us exactly what we need and how to fix it (yes after 10 min of loitering in the aisle, he came over and gave us a live demonstration) The big thing here is we had to CUT pipe! oh uh, thats permanent! So we cover ourselves by buying 30$ worth of equipment just in case... We end up cutting a 1-2 in section of pipe out, use a nifty coupler (no sodering) and presto!

We get home about 8 oclock and not 10 minutes later we are completely fixed, good as new and on the way back to Lowes to return all the unused supplies. What an adventure! PS the ice maker is history until we make friends with a plumber :)

I must praise Adam for having the do it yourself homeowner initiative to do this project and for not giving up until the problem was fixed. :)

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