Thursday, July 31

The World's Greatest Dogs

Mellow, 5 yr old black lab and Mongo, 1yr old chocolate lab are the world's greatest doubt! Mellow is about 80-85 lbs and Mongo, the puppy, is a modest 100lbs. Just for further mention, Mongo's nickname is Choco Roco (oh yea!) Mellow and Mongo are definetly personalities all their own. If you have ever seen Rob and Big on Mtv, Mellow is much like Big Black, the enforcer, chill but a presence and Mongo is Rob, hyperactive, crazy ideas and immortal. These pups are our first children and will always hold a place in our hearts, with that said please enjoy the pics or our backyard and such below.

Our dogs also believe they are MMA, UFC fighters... let me explain. When we moved into the house there was a large 30 foot pool in the backyard, we removed the above ground pool and attempted to grow grass where the pool was. We had a temporary fence up and the grass was taking very well.... UNTIL mell and choco roco figured out how to break through the fence. Below is what we now have, our very own dog fighting pit. (we are just waiting for the human society to come knocking on the door) the pit is about 8 feet or so. The dogs use this for wrestling, hanging out in the morning and surveying the neighbors. Mellow and Mongo think it is patio furniture for dogs or something. Every morning we see them basking in the damp sand pit just taking it all in.

Mongo's attention span in high test -- he is locked in, but not for long if this is my dog
Mellow warming up for the next take down in the PIT of doom :)

Mell and Mongo after be disturbed from the morning relaxation in the backyard

The wrastlin' begins.... Wheres the hulk when you need him?

Our dogs also really enjoy vegetation.. especially Mongo, he loves sticks, branches, anything that is part of a tree. Here is chewing on a branch piece

More vegetation for the goofiest dog ever

Mellow and Mongos only toy, they have 2 kongs just like this. It is the only toy mongo will not swallow and mellow will not destroy.

If only they didnt cost 15$ a pop...jeez dogs are more expensive than husbands...haha jk
Well hope you enjoy this ode to our pups: The World's Greatest Dogs

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