Wednesday, July 23

Sunday, 1245pm Beavercreek, OH

Sunday afternoon, Adam and I went to see the new Batman movie with the Bradfords. Somehow they were able to get tickets for this hugely popular premire weekend, thanks!
Batman: The Dark Knight with Christian Bale as Batman and Heath Ledger as the Joker was twisted, dark, full of underlying psychological themes that a psych would have a field day with; and most of all one hell of a movie.
Heath Ledger as the Joker was unrecognizeable. It is a wonder how a role could have disturbed an actor to the point of taking his own life. After seeing the Joker's developed character, completely psychotic, it now makes since. I would want to see the the movie again just to dive into the Joker as the character rather than seeing him just as Heath Ledger and thinking about his supposed suicide/ OD...whatever. The Joker in this movie goes far beyond the Jack Nicholson Joker of the prior series. Everything from the make up, ticks, mannerisms, everything makes you think the bastard is real and the next time i open my shower door he is going to ask me "Why so Serious?" ... so its not as bad as a scary movie, but I am trying to share the fact that the Joker is a character dynamic that has far surpassed Batman or any other character role in the film.

Above you see Heath Ledger as the Joker, the make up, eyes, scars all of it just looking into an empty soul of life or death both for the character and the actor.
Woo... thats a little hot and heavy!
To conlcude the movie is dark, but stellar! 4 more batman movies are in the works with Christian Bale as Batman.
Check it out, definently go to an early show.

1 comment:

The Bradford Blog said...

that is of course unless he gets life in jail for assualting his mother!!! what was up with that???