Thursday, July 24

The One & Only

Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you an Ode to my One and Only. This is long overdue, always in my head, fogging every thought..... (girlish sigh) He is just perfect in every way and is always right. Why hold back any longer!

His name is Adam C. Horseman.... sigh... wow he's so cute!

He is a Cancer born July 8, 1982 and most of all my hunk of burning love. As requested by my "therapist," aka my one and only, I should just let my feelings out and let the world now how much I love my man, after all he is perfect. Horse, as so many know him, is just a dream. Since becoming a part of my life I am whole, he completes me there is no other more cliche way of saying it. Mr. Horseman my forever crush sends the butterflys in my stomach swriling, or maybe thats the baby, and tingles down my spine, or is that a pinched nerve? HEHE Either way let it be known to the world that I Love Adam Horseman, my husband, father of my children, keeper of my sanity (for better or worse, hehe) and the light that guides me through the dark nights.

Yes the above is all true, just written with a satiric humor so not to gross out every reader. but in all seriousness Horse is a sweety and I love him with all my heart, eventhough I seem more worried about the laundry that needs to be but away or the endless dog hair on the kitchen floor, I am extremely lucky and happy to be with my hubby, plus how could I not be he is a keeper! and he's always right... this help my decision making issues.

Love ya boo

Oh what a HUNK.... hmmmm... sigh... butterflys....rainbows....sigh :)


The Bradford Blog said...

i bet he can golf too! :P

amy (metz) walker said...

Hi Katie, I am a friend of Diana's and I wanted to say, first of all, Congratulations!!! Also, your post was hilarious!