Wednesday, March 25


Sweet baby Camden!

Yes blog nation I know...


The last couple of weeks have been spent getting ready to go to FLORIDA!! Last weekend Camden and I took a plane trip down to my hometown Gainesville FL to see the family. Gma and Gpa and aunt stephanie could hardly contain themselves they were so happy to see us, well Camden. We left Friday evening after a full day of work and got in to Gville about 10pm and then stayed Saturday, Sunday and headed back Monday afternoon for Dayton. WOW it was a whirlwind of a trip and way to short for my liking. When we got their all I saw was my mom Jumping up and down in the airport terminal (mind you the gville airport is the size of my house so she was kinda in the spotlight) everything went smooth that night. However, when I woke up the next morning I was freezing, shaking and not feeling good at all, Camden was fine and ready for action. Thanks to my mom and dad and stephanie I was able to shake my exhaustion illness and was back to my old self by Saturday evening.
Sunday my mom had several close friends and some family over for a meet and greet with camden. She was the star of the show in her cute purple dress and did awesome while being passed to a ton of people. She made it through the whole party without one fussy momment...GO CAMDEN!! It was really cool because Camden got to meet her Great-Grandma Stopka!! and several of her great aunts and uncles and cousins.

The next morning Camden and my mom read the newspaper together and were just 2 peas in a pod, so super cute. My dad drove us to the airport and helped with all the extra stuff a baby requires when flying, stroller etc. Which might I say Camden did awesome on the flights, she slept the whole time and was just a happy little baby during the lay overs. On the las flight from charlotte to dayton she was awake as could be and also had a giant poopy diaper about 5 min after take off, so I got to experience changing a diaper in a 12in by 12in space, 30,000ft above the earth... So technically, I guess I am part of the mile high club!

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