Thursday, March 5

"320-3888" Press 1 for Nurse

Yes blog nation I know...

about 2.5 weeks ago Camden got a sinus infection which was really no fun at all.

So I just might add this number to my Favorite Five on my cell phone calling plan. As a new parent its common to have questions about your little bundle of joy, but really I think I need to have an intervention. I have spent this months 'blow money' (Dave Ramsey fans, you understand) on the adventures of Pri Med Pedicatrics Clinic-- who knew admission was a much as Disney World. But it is better to be safe than sorry, at least thats what the nurses keep telling me. The doctor knows me by name and out of a practice that has probably close to a 1000 kids if not more... thats impressive or the symptom of a hypochondriac mom... we will just go with the first one.

I think Camden caught my cold that I caught from adam and he caught from his lovely athletes, but unfortunately for her she cant blow her nose and know the relief of a whole box of kleenex, so instead she got the nose sucker and about 10 minutes of torment.

at our 2nd mos appt with camden the Dr. told us she had a umbilical hernia, very small, nothing to worry about UNLESS it was hard, discolored and wouldnt go back in... So we she was super sick her belly button looked just like the disclaimer above, in the car we went andoff to children's medical center. Luckily everything checked out, she did have a fever so that was good to get that diagnosed and Tylenol for infants was our bff for the next couple days. But with an ER trip down and an upper respiratory illness streak over I think I am pro and now having children 10 years apart. haha!

But now all is well, still a little sniffle here and there but nothing to dramatic.

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