Camden is now over 8 weeks and will be an official 2 mos on Wed the 28th. She also goes back to the Dr. for her 2 mos appt and first round of shots, which I am more nervous about than anything. I wish I could just take them for her (hmmm sounds like a mom doesnt it?)
SO I have found the perfect time to blog.... get ready... While PUMPING! I balance the pumps and type away! its great , takes my mind of pumping and how little milk (in the grand scheme of things) I am actually producing. Plus after a while I start to think the pump is talking to me...
I started my job on Jan `12 (training for the first couple days) and wow what a difference. I almost lost my mind and became one of those moms on food stamps and just lives in her slippers and torn up sweats, not wanting to see the outside world, drowning herself in a cup of 3 day old coffee while not have enouh diapers to change her little one...HOWEVER, I learned to cope and with adjusted hours (working 30 instead of 50 a week) I am happy as a clam. I am working a LA Fitness (attempting to climb the corporate ladder) I am one of 2 managers for the whole darn place, I finally get to use a bit of that business degree!
The daily routine is growing on me with each day. I am excited to see how Camden changes and grows over the next couple months. Its flying by in one sense and in another I still see her as a new born.
I love that pic! What a cutie pie!
What can I say? Cammie thinks I'm funny!!
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