Wednesday, July 29

Its Showtime & the best toys ever

Camden has many many toys surronding her at all times, however she goes for tupperware and her all time favorite plastic placemats! here she is sound asleep with her Gpa Walz but still has her two placemats in a death grip. Who knew placemats would be the best toy ever!

One happy couple!

One Happy Family

Camden was massaging her gums with her tounge, it was absolutely hilarious, here is a pic

Grandpa and Camden
Love that tupperware

here are the posted videos are of Camdens first real crawling activity, if you look closely you can see that she is chasing a blackberry cell phone.... oh jeez I hope this isnt an omen for the future (talkative girls and cell phones are an expensive combo)

1 comment:

Diana said...

here comes trouble! :)