Sunday, September 6

For the Love of Bathtime

After an incredibly messy dinner, Camden was ready for a long, soapy bath. Here she is covered in green beans, cereal and who knows how many puffs and cheerios. Earlier in the meal she did have a shirt on but after protesting and refusing to eat until her shirt was off, I finally gave in. Now I know what you are thinking, "how did you know she wanted her shirt off?" Well our princess was tugging, pulling and screaming while trying to get her shirt over her head. Yes, she is determined! Green Bean Fu Man Chu - Its the latest craze

Camden also kept hitting her chest/stomach after each bite, as to say "FEED ME, MORE MORE"

Me and the babe, this time with no green bean residue

Camden loves bathtime, or anything else having to do with water, as soon as I turn the tub on, she is squirming and trying to get into the tub. I can barely hold her back.
This picture is awesome, I snapped the camera right as the gator was falling off her head, it looks to be stuck to the side of her head

Everybody loves a good bath, especially after a messy day of play

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