Monday, September 22

Light me up!

YES! The power is on! The power came back on Friday night around 9pm. I was actually out in the backyard messing around with some storm debris and the dogs, when I looked at my neighbors house and noticed that they had a lot of lights on for a generator to be powering all of that...then I noticed there ceiling fan. Not even thinking that the power could actually be on, I just assumed they had dangerously hooked the generator up to their 220v house power and moved on...about 3 seconds later my brain started working again and I eagerly walked toward the house...HOT TAMALES! we had power! As my parents can atest i was very excited to have power again. The first thing I did is start the dishwasher and then i headed for the vaccum cleaner (a week of not vacuuming and 2 large dogs = one messy house)

Saturday was catch up day... I made it to the grocery store along with half of Beavercreek to restock the freezer and fridge. Then it was time to mow the yard, but after only a couple sweeps of the lawnmower I was out of commission. I was stung 2 times by yellow jackets (fiesty little things) I then noticed the large swarm living in our gutter...ewwww! Adam's medical skills helped me through and then it was time to become bee hunters. After the bees laughed at our attempts to kill them with the wasp and hornet spray we called in a professional and in about 15 minutes we were good to go. The lawn will be finished today...Finally :-) (being the good husband he is, Adam wouldn't let me mow with yellow jackets swarming, good call)

The Raiders of WSU managed to pull out the win Saturday afternoon and the Gators rocked rocky top! On Sunday we gave in, the dogs got 2 new toys, which gives them a total of 4! WOW! We got the dogs 2 indestructable nylabone kong like toys and a bag of hooves to chew on, sounds gross but if it keeps our monsters occupied I am all for it! The dogs love their newest toys and have already attempted to destroy them :-)

All in all a darn good weekend, now if I could just shake this cold!

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